Features and Benefits of a Business Listing on ActiveActivities

Create an online presence
A Free Listing gives you the basics, allowing you to build an online presence in ActiveActivities, promote your business and start attracting new customers with little effort.
You can add your business description, contact information, logo and images, along with a link to your website.
Free Listings will rank lower on ActiveActivities search result pages than Featured Listings, get lower exposure across ActiveActivities than Featured Listings, have competitor information and adverts shown on their Business Listing and have limited Business Coverage.
With a Free Listing you will receive free clicks and contacts.

Enhance your online presence and get more visibility and leads
Featured Listings have everything that is available to Free Listings PLUS MORE!
A Featured Listing allows you to turbo charge your online presence by adding more content and links and driving more clicks and leads.
Featured Listings will rank higher on ActiveActivities search result pages than Free Listings, have more exposure across ActiveActivities than Free Listings, have no competitor information and adverts on their Business Listing and have wider Business Coverage.
Featured Listings get more clicks, contacts and leads than Free Listings. Featured Listings receive free clicks and contacts as well as a number of Premium Leads per month.

Appear in more locations
Business Coverage determines the number of location-specific search result pages your business will appear on across ActiveActivities.
Free Listings can select only 1 suburb.
Featured Listings can add up to an additional 30 suburbs.
Each suburb you add to your Business Listing increases your business visibility across more search result pages leading to more visits, clicks, contacts and leads.
Read our FAQ’s for Business Coverage for more details.

Get more leads
Featured Listings have high ranking in the search results of ActiveActivities and are promoted in other highly visible areas of the website reserved only for Featured Listings.
This additional visibility helps drive more visits, contacts, clicks and leads to your business along with building your brand and improving click through and conversion rates.

Get phone, mobile, website and email contacts for free
All Business Listings receive free clicks to their website and free contacts to phone, mobile or email from ActiveActivities.
Featured Listings receive more clicks and contact due to greater business visibility and business coverage across the website.

Focus on only your brand
Featured Listings have no competitor information or adverts showing on their Business Listing, whereas Free Listings include competitor information and ads on their Business Listing. Featured Listings will appear in priority areas on competitor Business Listings.
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Allow customers to book your services online
All Silver and Gold Featured Listings can add their online booking widget (or a link to the booking area of your website) to their Business Listing to allow our website visitors to book services directly with you.
There are no additional fees or commission charged on any bookings made.

Build and leverage your social presence
Featured Listings can add Facebook and Twitter feeds and links to social media properties to their Business Listing.
This gives potential customers a better feel for who you are and what you do. It also allows customers to engage with you via social platforms and find your most up-to-date news and events.

Convert more customers
Add a free trial, a 2-for-1 deal, a 50% off sale or any other special offers that you believe will attract new customers. This functionality is available for both Free and Featured Listings.
Our email alerts and updates keep ActiveActivities visitors in your area informed of relevant special offers, and make it easier for them to find your special offers!

Showcase what's coming up
This feature allows business owners with Free or Featured Listings to showcase events. You can promote weekly, monthly or annual events or a one off special event.
When you add an event to your Business Listing, it becomes visible in search result pages, featured events pages and in the events area of the website, ultimately improving the exposure, reach and visibility of your business.
Free Listings can add 3 events, with Featured Listings being able to add up to 10 current events.

Improve credibility
Showcase your expertise, knowledge and experience to our visitors – so long as it is relevant, useful and in line with our content guidelines.
Adding expert articles will add credibility to your Business Listing, improve your search rankings on the website, help build your online brand presence, increase the volume of contacts and leads and improve click through and conversion rates.

Enhance your listing
Adding images or videos will enhance your Business Listing, engage potential customers, improve click through rates and enhance your brand visibility in ActiveActivities search result pages as well as in search engines.
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Improve conversions
Reviews are a powerful mechanism to improve conversions. We encourage you to invite your customers to rate your business and add a review to your Business Listing. Even a single testimonial can help convert an uncertain potential customer.
All Business Listings have the ability to respond to reviews on ActiveActivities.

List your business across multiple categories
All Business Listings can select multiple business categories in which to list their business. The more categories that you are listed in the more visibility and leads you will generate from ActiveActivities.
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Measure the success of your Business Listing
All Business Listings receive monthly reports via email showing how many impressions, visits, contacts, clicks and leads you have received and your rankings on the website against competitors.
You may also access this information any time by logging into your Members Area on ActiveActivities.

Manage and monitor your online presence
Once you have set-up your Business Listing, you gain access to the Members Area where you can add and update business details and contact information, view reporting, add special offers and events and buy leads. Select your package Compare packages
Add more information about your business
Uploading attachments to your Business Listing improves your visibility in ActiveActivities search result pages and gives potential customers more information about your business.
Attachments can include brochures, leaflets, price lists, timetables, catalogues, certificates and awards.

Not satisfied? You can ask for your money back!
If you choose to upgrade to a Featured Listing and you aren’t completely satisfied with the results, just ask for your money back within 30 days and you will receive a full refund.
And, you can stay on ActiveActivities as a Free Listing forever.